Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Curicullum Vitae
Full Name : Indah Permata Sari
Sex : Female
Date of Birth : March 8th, 1989
Nationality : Indonesia
Marital Status : Single
Religion : Christian
Address : Sunter Mediterania , North Jakarta
Mobile : 0818063868xx
Phone : 021-6531768x
E-mail : indah.permata.sari@hotmail.com
Educational Background
2001-2004 : Mahatma, Junior High School - Jakarta
2004-2007 : Mahatma Gading, Senior High School -Jakarta
2007-Present : STIKOM LSPR - Jakarta, Major : Marketing Communication
Lastest GPA : 3.32
LCCI Marketing Level 2 Pass
City & Guilds Level 1 Passed
Piagam Penghargaan atas prestasi yang telah dicapai dalam bidang pendidikan sebagai salah satu pelajar terbaik 2007
Me, Myself and media 2007
MIM (MarkPlus Institute of Marketing) 2008
Marketing : Bangkrut 2009
PR vs Entrepreneur Talk Show 2009
Informal Course, at Cantata Music School Jakarta
Theory Piano 1 : Passed With First Class Honours w/ Distinction
Theory Piano 2 : Passed With First Class Honours w/ Distinction
Theory Piano 3 : Passed With First Class Honours w/ Distinction
Theory Piano 4 : Passed With First Class Honours w/ Distinction
Theory Piano 5 : Passed With First Class Honours
Piano 1 : Passed With First Class Honours
Piano 2 : Passed With Honours
Piano 2 Trinity Guidhall : Passed With Honours
Piano 3 : Passed With First Class Honours With Distinction
2009 Participant of “Marketing : BANGKRUT (Bagaimana Mengatasi Krisis Dengan Menggunakan Teknologi)” Jakarta
2009 Participant of “PR vs Entrepreneur Talk Show“ Jakarta
2008 Participant of “MARKPLUS CONFERENCE 09” Jakarta
2008 Participant of MIM (MarkPlus Institute of Marketing)Jakarta
2007 Participant of " Me, Myself and media " Jakarta
9 pillars
1. Respect
2. Politeness
3. Honesty
4. Responsible
5. Discipline
6. Perseverance
7. Confidence
8. Independent
9. Excellence
Accountable :
• For the performance over duty, or trust and results.
• For one’s behavior or obligation
Decision : ethical/moral. we must make a right decision. Choice is very important when we make the decision.
Areas of responsibility :
• To self
future, studies, health
• To family
follow parents counsel (if the parents angry when give the advice to us, it will be better if we put the positive value from the advice, and then we throw away the angriness of parents), take a part in a family concerns, preserving place and unity at home.
• To community
Community development, environment protection (by save our planet now, from global warming, and be a part of it), and social work.
It means the ability to put order in any circumstance or anything one does.
The discipline of focus :
We focus the quality of our life for better future.
Discipline involves :
• Physical
Diet, regular exercise, sleeping habit
• Mental
Study habit, time of management, focus
• Self discipline
Hobby, social life – right company, health recreation (don’t make our good habits become bad habits).
• Financial
Principle of need and want, personal budget. (We frequently buy something out of our daily needs. We just buy something which is we want, without we think it twice. It is better if we can control our self and being discipline in financial)
Discipline is one of the best friends of success. Everyone was born to be success, if we can discipline to our self and to others.
You name one successful person, who has no form at discipline at all.
It means the ability to sustain willingness to pursue a task despite difficulties encountered.
In our difficulties life we never to give up. We must try to do. For example like the story of Farmer and Donky, Nick Vacijji. The value of the story is never give up in every single condition. We must learn attitudes and values from any difficulties in our life. Make it as the experience of life.
With experience it will build character of a person.
Confidence is from heart, not from physical performance. It means :
• Faith in one’s own abilities.
• Little fear of the unknown happened.
• Stand up for one’s belief.
• Courage to risk embarrassment.
Self perception subject to change
• Stop comparing self with other
• Do not focus in others criticism
• Discover and believe in what you have
Do not be obsessed by what you lack but capitalize on your potential.
Envision myself :
Failure change into self confidence. I believe that I am born as a winner !
It means the ability to stand alone in any circumstance without relying on external support or perception.
10 % of life is made up of what happens to you.
90% of life is decided by how you react.
Break away from other people’s expectation pleasing everyone. Otherwise, you will miss your goal. What I need to do? Return to the core within you. Personal vision and goals and make decision based on them.
It means the ability to do the best according to social norm to yield satisfied result in a given task or duty.
Excellence is considered to be a value by many organizations, in particular by schools and other institution of education and a goal to be persued.
Excellence is the state /quality of excelling. It’s superiority, or the state of focus good to a high degree.
Workshop Report
The 9 pillar of LSPR value :
1. respect
2. politeness
3. responsible
4. discipline
5. honesty
6. perseverance
7. confident
8. independent
9. do the best
Value : personal qualities of considerable use , services or importance to one’s self and others.
Benefits of value : the more it is given, the more it multiplies within.
Personal value : evolve by interaction with external world, may change over time.
Values can influence our attitude.
Honesty : is the quality to be free from any fraud/deception.
Honesty to others :
- with institution
- with society
- with family
- to self
We may be dishonest at :
- home and family
- school
- relationship
- work
- to self
The consequences of dishonesty in our life :
- no one will believe you
- you have less friends
- difficult to gain success
- you end up a miserable person
we must be honest, be free from lies and be free from fraud.
Politeness : best expressed as the practical of good manners or etiquette.
Politeness is expressed :
1. kindness : considerate , understanding, gentle, friendly.
2. sensitivity to others : not self centered, empathy, tolerance.
3. listening : hearing carefully, not interrupting, not making noise, interacting.
Respect : expression of regard, high esteem, or reverence to another person / assumption of good faith and competence / to hold someone in honors
Social benefits of respect : reliability to social interactions.
Personal benefits : trust of others, value opinion, personal happiness.
If you cannot respect your own self, there is no reason for you to respect others or expect others to respect you.
Rencana Project
1. Membuka usaha Warnet (Warung Internet)
Details :
- Nama warnet : Inetsion
- Lokasi : Sudirman Park, seberang dunkin donats, dekat dengan kampus LSPR
- Target Market :
Occupation : pelajar, mahasiswa, penghuni apartement dan ruko di Sudirman Park, orang kantoran.
- SWOT Analysis
warnet ini menyediakan 25 buah komputer, lengkap dengan jaringan internet dan koneksi dengan speed yang cepat.
menyediakan paket untuk online games dan browsing.
ruangan full AC, dipisahkan antara smoking room dan non smoking. 10 buah PC untuk smoking room dan 15 buah PC non smoking room.
setiap PC dilengkapi dengan headset, webcam, dan printer. Jadi pelanggan akan merasa nyaman dan tidak perlu antri jika ingin me'ngprint.
warnet ini juga dilengkapi dengan alat scanner, menyediakan juga jasa fotokopi, jilid, laminating, dan sebagainya serta menyediakan alat tulis kantor.
biaya per jam Rp 5000/jam, setiap orang akan mendapatkan Aqua gelas secara cuma-cuma.
belum banyak pelanggan yang dicapai
kesempatan untuk meraih pasar seluas mungkin mulai dari anak-anak hingga orang dewasa
prospek yang cukup menjanjikan
adanya pesaing disekitarnya, seperti Biz-Net, Strawberry
2. Membuka Studio Photo
- Name : Moe's Photography
- Lokasi : Ruko Kelapa Gading Square
- Target Market
Gender : female/male
- SWOT Analysis
menyediakan jasa fotografi yang professional dan berkualitas dibidangnya
menyediakan 3 ruangan studio foto, dengan background yang update (diganti setiap 2 bulan sekali)
konsep studio dengan design yang minimalis dan nyaman bagi pengunjung
menyediakan jasa shooting video, untuk merekam moment-moment tertentu bagi pelanggan
paket promosi mulai dari Rp 250.000 - Rp 500.000, dengan pilihan free yang menarik
menawarkan bimbingan atau les fotografi
belum banyak dikenal masyarakat
kemungkinan untuk meraih jumlah pasar yang besar, terutama para wanita
banyaknya studio foto lainnya yang sudah lama berdiri
Tugas Selling & Sales Management
1. Mengapa sales memiliki pengertian negatif?
2. Apa manfaat belajar sales (penjualan) bagi setiap orang..?
3. Apa persamaan sales & marketing? Sebutkan 5, beserta dengan penjelasannya!
4. Apakah ada perusahaan yang tidak memerlukan sales? Why or why not..?
1. Sales memiliki pengertian negatif karena telah tecipta suatu paradigma bahwa sales adalah pekerjaan yang rendah dan kebanyakan dari orang sales tidak bertanggung jawab atas pekerjaan mereka. Selain itu terkadang SPG suka berpakaian seksi (kurang sopan), cenderung suka memaksa customernya, terkadang juga membohongi/ memperdayai calon customernya, sehingga timbulah persepi bahwa sales merupakan pekerjaan yang negatif.
2. Manfaat belajar sales (penjualan) bagi setiap orang yaitu :
· Karena di dalam kehidupan ini pada dasarnya setiap orang membutuhkan sesuatu. Untuk itu harus ada seseorang yang ”menjual”.
· Kita bisa mengetahui bagaimana cara tepat yang harus digunakan untuk menarik (mempersuade) masyarakat atau calon customers untuk membeli produk yang kita jual.
· Kita dapat mengetahui karakter atau tipe-tipe customer pada saat kita memperkenalkan suatu produk yang kita jual supaya mereka tertarik untuk membeli produk tersebut. Ada beberapa orang yang dengan begitu cepatnya tertarik untuk langsung membelinya. Tetapi ada sebagian orang juga yang harus mencari tahu secara detail mengenai kualitas, kegunaan, harga dan sebagainya. Barulah calon customer kita yakin dan mau membeli produk kita.
· Kita bisa mengerti cara mana yang paling efektif untuk menjual dan memperkenalkan produk kita.
· Dengan mengerti strategi dalam penjualan,orang bisa dengan cepat memperoleh keuntungan menarik pelanggan untuk setia dengan produk kita dan strategi-strategi apa yang harus dijalankan dalam penjualan.
· Sales merupakan salah satu karier terbaik yang penghasilannya “sky is the limit”. Untuk itu setiap orang perlu untuk mempelajari sales.
3. Persamaan Sales & Marketing yaitu :
- Baik sales maupun marketing sama-sama membutuhkan communication skills yang baik. Contohnya orang-orang sales maupun marketing harus mempunyai kemampuan berkomunikasi yang baik untuk mengkomunikasikan produk mereka.
- Sama-sama mempersuade dan memperkenalkan produk ke customer terutama pada saat peluncuran produk baru.
- Sama-sama menganalisa kebutuhan pelanggan dan akhirnya bisa memenuhi kebutuhan cutomernya, sehingga customer menjadi loyal terhadap produk kita.
- Sama-sama bersifat menjual untuk memperoleh keuntungan (profit) bagi perusahaan.
- Sama-sama mencari customer baru untuk memperluas market sharenya.
4. Tidak ada. Setiap perusahaan pasti memerlukan peran sales dalam menjalankan kegiatan bisnisnya. Karena setiap perusahaan pasti mempunyai bagian marketing, dan bagian marketing tersebut sangat bergantung pada sales. Selain itu sales merupakan penghubung langsung antara perusahaan dengan customer. Sales berguna untuk memperkenalkan produk (sales educators) ke khalayak masyarakat pada saat launching product baru, dengan begitu masyarakat bisa mengenal, membeli, dan setia terhadap produk kita. Perusahaan juga menginginkan produk tersebar luas dan ada di benak masyarakat, maka dari itu perusahaan menggunaan sales untuk menjelaskan secara detail dan meyeluruh tentang apa yang kita jual. Salah satu cara yang paling ampuh oleh perusahaan untuk mengenalkan produk secara detail, dari keuntungan dan kerugiannya, adalah dengan menggunakan sales.
I.1. Latar Belakang Masalah
Dahulu pulau Bali disebut dengan nama “Walidwipa”, yang merupakan suatu kerajaan yaitu kerajaan
Kerajaan Bali bercorak Hindu, ini dapat diketahui dari pembagian golongan dalam masyarakat (kasta), pembagian warisan, kesenian, serta agama dan kepercayaan.
Dalam hal agama dan kepercayaan, pengaruh zaman Megalithikum terasa masih kuat pada masyarakat kerajaan
Kini Bali adalah sebuah provinsi yang berada di wilayah negara Kesatuan Republik
Suku bangsa Bali memiliki potensi alam dan kebudayaan yang sangat tinggi, sehingga
I.2. Perumusan Masalah
Bagaimana peran dan penerapan ke tujuh unsur kebudayaan secara universal pada kebudayaan
I.3. Tujuan Penelitian
Tujuan penulis dalam meneliti masalah ini adalah :
1. Untuk mengetahui dan menganalisis sistem bahasa pada kebudayaan Bali.
2. Untuk mengetahui dan menganalisis sistem teknologi dan alat produksi pada kebudayaan Bali.
3. Untuk mengetahui dan menganalisis sistem mata pencaharian pada kebudayaan Bali.
4. Untuk mengetahui dan menganalisis sistem organisasi sosial pada kebudayaan Bali.
5. Untuk mengetahui dan menganalisis sistem pengetahuan pada kebudayaan Bali.
6. Untuk mengetahui dan menganalisis sistem religi pada kebudayaan Bali.
7. Untuk mengetahui dan menganalisis kesenia pada kebudayaan Bali.
Pembunuhan Karakter Bangsa Dalam Filim Horor Indonesia Masa Kini
Di zaman sekarang ini setiap orang pasti membutuhkan sebuah hiburan yang bisa membuat mereka merasa senang, serta dapat melepas lelah mereka dari segala kepenatan dan aktivitas sehari-hari mereka. Hiburan tersebut dapat diwujudkan dalam bentuk entertainment, rekreasi, dan lain-lain. Salah satu contoh dari hiburan tersebut dapat diwujudkan dalam bentuk film. Selain itu industri perfilman di Indonesia juga sudah semakin berkembang sejak munculnya film AADC (Ada Apa Dengan Cinta ?). Dari sanalah bangkitlah industri perfilman di Indonesia. Banyak sekali sutradara di Indonesia yang saling berlomba-lomba untuk menghasilkan suatu karya film yang digemari oleh masyarakat mulai dari genre film percintaan, komedi, pendidikan, perjuangan bangsa, sampai dengan film horror. Adapun demikian film bergenre horror cukup digemari oleh orang-orang Indonesia. Dan banyak sekali film-film horror yang diproduksi di Indonesia. Tetapi film horror ini ternyata penyebab dari pembunuhan karakter bagi bangsa Indonesia. Untuk itu saya mengambil “ Pocong Vs Kuntilanak” sebagai salah satu contoh pembunuhan karakter bangsa dalam film horror Indonesia masa kini. Karena sangatlah tidak mencermikan citra bangsa Indonesia di mata dunia.
II. Masalah Utama
Masalah Utama dari sisi film :
- Masalah percintaan yang bertepuk sebelah tangan antara Raden Soekotjo dan Nyi Soroh.
- Pembalasan dendam Raden Soekotjo terhadap keluarga Von Klingen.
- Pertarungan antara Pocong Vs Kuntilanak, yang tidak masuk akal. Tidak mungkin sesama setan dapat bertarung.
Masalah Utama dari sisi pembunuhan karakter bangsa Indonesia :
- Orang-orang Indonesia menjadi lebih percaya terhadap hal-hal yang berbau mistis.
- Membuat seseorang berpikir tidak rasional atau tanpa menggunakan logika dan akal sehatnya.
- Merusak mental, terutama bagi anak-anak dibawah umur jika menontonnya.
- Membuat orang menjadi merasa takut untuk melakukan aktivitas apapun, terutama pada waktu malam hari. Seperti pergi keluar pada waktu malam, pergi ke toilet sendiri.
- Merusak citra bangsa Indonesia.
- Membuat seseorang menjadi trauma.
III. Sinopsis Film
Judul Film : Pocong Vs Kuntilanak
Jenis Film : Horror
Produser : Zainal Susanto, Se
Produksi : Mitra Pictures, 6 November 2008
Durasi : 90 Min
Pemain : Ahmad Zaki, Alia Rosa, Aldy Taher, Ikhsan Samiaji, Diana Puspita, Amanda Faried
Sutradara : David Poernomo
Penulis : David Poernomo
Film ini menceritakan sebuah kisah percintan pada zaman penjajahan Belanda. Dimana Raden Soekotjo mencintai seorang perempuan bernama Nyi Soroh, tetapi cinta Raden Soektjo ini bertepuk sebelah tangan. Akirnya Nyi Soroh memutuskan untuk menikah dengan orang asing yang berasal dari Belanda yang bernama Von Klingen, dibandingkan menikah dengan Raden Soektjo yang berdarah biru (keturunan bangsawan).
Masalah utama di cerita film “Pocong Vs Kuntilanak” ini adalah Raden Soekotjo ingin membalas dendam perbuatan Nyi Soroh yang sudah menolak cintanya dan Raden Soekotjo berencana untuk membunuh keluarga Von Klingen. Ternyata Nyi Soroh memelihara Kuntilanak diluar sepengetahuan Raden Soektjo. Dan usaha Radaen Soektjo pun gagal ketika Kuntilanak peliharaan Nyi Soroh berhasil membunuh Raden Soekotjo terlebih dahulu, untuk melindungi keluarga Von Klingen suaminya. Tetapi sebelum wafat, Raden Soekotjo telah berpesan untuk tidak melepas tali pocongnya, agar dirinya menjadi arwah gentayangan atau Pocong untuk membalas dendamnya kepada Nyi Soroh.
Akhirnya pertarungan antara pocong dan dengan Kuntilanak berlanjut dari generasi ke generasi hingga generasi terakhir yang belum mengetahui bahwa mereka mewarisi makhluk tersebut. Cinta pun mempertemukan Vonny Von Klingen dengan Marcell Soekotjo yang tidak lain adalah keturunan terakhir dari Von Klingen dan Raden Soekotjo. Hingga akhirnya mereka dihadapkan satu sama lain untuk meneruskan dendam nenek moyang yang menghantui mereka. Vonny vs Marcell, atau Kuntilanak vs Pocong.
IV. Pembahasan
Film Pocong Vs Kuntilanak ini merupakan cerita yang kurang masuk akal. Karena sangat tidak mungkin jika kedua jenis setan ini saling berkelahi satu sama lainnya. Orang yang sudah meninggal sebenarnya ada yang bisa menjadi setan, ada juga yang tidak bisa menjadi setan. Tetapi semuanya itu kembali lagi pada kepercayaan kita. Apakah kita percaya bahwa setan itu ada atau tidak? Ada sebagian orang yang percaya kalau setan itu ada. Karena mereka sudah pernah melihat penampakannya, dalam wujud seperti : kuntianal, pocong, dan sebagainya. Ada juga orang yang tidak percaya keberadaan setan itu di dunia nyata. Sesungguhnya orang yang sudah meninggal hanya dihadapkan pada surga atau neraka saja. Disini dikatakan bahwa Nyi Soroh memelihara kuntilanak, di dunia nyata tidak mungkin seseorang dapat memelihara kuntilanak.
Film horror tersebut dapat menyebabkan pembuhan karakter bangsa dan merusak citra bangsa Indonesia. Dan sangat tidak cocok untuk ditonton oleh anak kecil, karena jika mereka menonton pasti ada salah satu dari adegan film tersebut yang masih teringat atau tertanam di otak mereka. Sehingga dapat menyebabkan anak-anak menjadi ketakutan.
Frekuensi Pemasokan Barang Yang Tidak Tetap
Nama perusahaan: CV. Cipta Kama Jaya
Bidang : Pakaian (CMT)
Pemilik : Giema Haryanto
Established : tahun 1983
Alamat: Jl. Dharma Wanita III/47,Rawa Buaya, Cengkareng, Jakarta Barat (kantor dan pabrik pusat)
CV. CIPTA KAMAJAYA merupakan perusahaan keluarga yang didirikan oleh Bp. Giema Haryanto sejak tahun 1983 yang sekarang merupakan direktur dan pemilik. Perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang pakaian ini (CMT) merupakan perusahaan jasa jahit. Perusahaan ini biasa mengambil order dari luar maupun dalam negeri, tetapi sebagian besar order yang diambil berasal dari luar negeri. Perusahaan ini akan menawarkan jasa dalam dari proses pemotongan, menjahit, washing sampai packaging.
CV. CIPTA KAMAJAYA merupakan perusahaan keluarga yang didirikan oleh Bp. Giema Haryanto sejak tahun 1983 yang sekarang merupakan direktur dan pemilik. Perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang pakaian ini (CMT) merupakan perusahaan jasa jahit. Perusahaan ini biasa mengambil order dari luar maupun dalam negeri, tetapi sebagian besar order yang diambil berasal dari luar negeri. Perusahaan ini akan menawarkan jasa dalam dari proses pemotongan, menjahit, washing sampai packaging.
Perusahaan ini mempunyai 1 kantor sekaligus pabrik pusat yang beralamat di Jl. Dharma Wanita III/46-47, Rawa Buaya, Cengkareng, Jakarta Barat dan 1 pabrik cabang yang beralamat di Jl. Kresek Raya No. 25, Kelurahan Duri Kosambi, Jakarta Barat. Perusahaan ini biasanya mengerjakan order sebanyak 2000 sampai dengan 3000 lusin per bulannya. Jumlah karyawan perusahaan ini berkisar antara 100 sampai dengan 120 orang. Mesin – mesin yang dimiliki oleh perusahaan ini cukup lengkap dibandingkan dengan CMT lainnya.
Time context : 2008
View point : Direktur perusahaan (Giema Haryanto)
Central problem
- Keterlambatan bahan baku yang datang dari pemesan dari luar (export) dikarenakan -kemacetan di pelabuhan.
- Confirm dari buyer terkadang memakan waktu lama.
Perusahaan ini selama ini mengerjakan order – order dari PT. Indo Baju, PT. Indo Panca, PT. Bona Karya, PT. Idola, PT. Febindo, PT. Hanindo, PT. Melputra, PT. Wahana, PT. Central Aneka Busana (IeBe), PT. Planet Selancar Mandiri (Spyderbilt, Juice, Insight) dan masih banyak yang lainnya.
Perusahaan – perusahaan yang bekerja sama dengan perusahaan ini ada yang merupakan agent yang mengambil order dari luar negeri, ada pula perusahaan yang men-design sendiri order – ordernya. Perusahaan ini banyak mengambil order dari luar negeri, karena selain harga nya yang terbilang cukup menguntungkan, perusahaan ini juga sudah cukup ahli dalam menangani order dari luar negeri, karena keunggulan dari perusahaan ini adalah kualitas menjahitnya dan dapat mengerjakan pekerjaan jumlah banyak.
Karyawan – karyawan yang ada di perusahaan ini terdiri :
1. karyawan harian
karyawan harian merupakan karyawan yang dibayar per hari nya (termasuk gaji pokok untuk beberapa staff.)
2. karyawan borongan
karyawan borongan merupakan karyawan yang dibayar sesuai dengan jumlah yang mereka kerjakan ( biasanya para buruh)
contoh : seorang penjahit akan dibayar Rp 100,- per kancing yang dipasangnya.
Para penjahit (karyawan) borongan (per minggu) pekerjaannya berkurang drastis atau bahkan tidak mendapat pekerjaan. Hal ini menyebabkan para keryawan tersebut tidak mendapat gaji yang cukup atau bahkan tidak mendapat gaji, dikarenakan jumlah gaji yang didapat sesuai dengan jumlah pekerjaan yang mereka kerjakan, sehingga apabila bahan baku dari pemesan luar negeri tidak datang tepat waktu, otomatis perusahaan ini ordernya terhambat dan para karyawan tidak dapat mengerjakan orderannya. Pendapatan mereka pun berkurang sehingga mereka berpindah ke pabrik lain yang mempunyai pekerjaan.
Ketika bahan baku dari luar datang, setengah dari buruh pabrik sudah pindah ke pabrik lain yang mempunyai pekerjaan. Sehingga deadline sangat sulit untuk ditepati.
Keterlambatan deadline menyebabkan perusahaan harus membayar denda kepada pemesan dari luar tersebut
- Must : frekuensi pemasokan barang tetap, sehingga pabrik bisa terus berjalan.
- Wants: karyawan tidak berhenti, sehingga deadline bisa dikerjakan tepat waktu.
Area Of Consideration
- Adanya pengaturan jumlah karyawan yang dibutuhkan
- Memeperhatikan jumlah pendistribusian barang pesanan
- Memperhatikan pemilihan supllier atau buyer
Alternative course of action
- Mengambil order lokal lebih banyak juga walaupun pemasukan sedikit, tetapi cukup untuk menutupi biaya gaji karyawan sehingga karyawan tidak pindah / berhenti.
- Membuat design sendiri sehingga pabrik akan terus berjalan. Apabila tidak ada pemesanan dari luar, maka buruh dapat menjahit design baju yang dirancang sendiri oleh pabrik tersebut dan pakaiannya dijual ke butik – butik atau ke luar kota.
- Mengubah sistem gaji buruh karyawan tidak sepenuhnya borongan, akan tetapi tetap ada gaji pokok walaupun tidak begitu banyak, tetapi akan tetap diberikan komisi pada setiap baju yang dikerjakan oleh para buruh tersebut.
- Meminta para pemesan dari luar tersebut untuk lebih awal mengirim barang sehingga bahan baku yang ingin dikerjakan sampai tepat pada waktunya.
Peranan Pengendalian Management Dalam Aspek Promosi
Promosi adalah suatu usaha dari pemasar dalam menginformasikan dan mempengaruhi orang atau pihak lain, sehingga tertarik untuk melakukan transaksi atau pertukaran produk barang/jasa yang dipasarkannya.
Management adalah sebuah proses perencanaan, pengorganisasian, pengkoordinasian, dan pengontrolan sumber daya untuk mencapai sasaran (goals) secara efektif dan efisien.
Efektif berarti bahwa tujuan dapat dicapai sesuai dengan perencanaan.
Efisien berarti bahwa tugas yang ada dilaksanakan secara benar, terorganisir, dan sesuai dengan jadwal
Fungsi Promosi
1. Informing (Memberikan Informasi)
Promosi membuat konsumen sadar akan produk-produk baru, mendidik mereka tentang berbagai fitur dan manfaat merek, serta memfasilitasi penciptaan citra sebuah perusahaan yang menghasilkan produk atau jasa. Promosi menampilkan peran informasi bernilai lainnya, baik untuk merek yang diiklankan maupun konsumennya, dengan mengajarkan manfaat-manfaat baru dari merek yang telah ada
2. Persuading (Membujuk)
Media promosi atau iklan yang baik akan mampu mempersuasi pelanggan untuk mencoba produk dan jasa yang ditawarkan. Terkadang persuasi berbentuk mempengaruhi permintaan primer, yakni menciptakan permintaan bagi keseluruhan kategori produk. Lebih sering, promosi berupaya untuk membangun permintaan sekunder, permingtaan bagi merek perusahaan yang spesifik.
3. Reminding (Mengingatkan)
Iklan menjaga agar merek perusahaan tetap segar dalam ingatan para konsumen. Saat kebutuhan muncul, yang berhubungan dengan produk dan jasa yang diiklankan, dampak promosi di masa lalu memungkinkan merek pengiklan hadir di benak konsumen.
Periklanan lebih jauh didemonstrasikan untuk mempengaruhi pengalihan merek dengan mengingatkan para konsumen yang akhir-akhir ini belum membeli merek yang tersedia dan mengandung atribut-atribut yang menguntungkan.
4. Adding Value (Menambah nilai)
Terdapat tiga cara mendasar dimana perusahaan bisa memberi nilai tambah bagi penawaran-penawaran mereka, inovasi, penyempurnaan kualitas, atau mengubah persepsi konsumen. Ketiga komponen nilai tambah tersebut benar-benar independen. Promosi yang efektif menyebabkan merek dipandang lebih elegan, lebih bergaya, lebih bergengsi, dan bisa lebih unggul dari tawaran pesaing.
5. Assisting (Mendampingi upaya-upaya lain dari perusahaan)
Company Profile PT. Andalan Sejahtera
Pemilik : Ibu Renata
Berdiri Sejak : 2004
Alamat : Jl. Kedoya Raya No 30, Jakarta Barat 11520
Bidang : Keramik dan Granit
Promosi yang dilakukan oleh PT.Andalan Sejahtera
Setiap pembelian 50 box, gratis 2 box ( free )
untuk para retailer yang sudah loyal pada perusahaan ini biasanya diberikan diskon khusus sekitar 10-15 %.
Dengan berbagai diskon tersebut, kualitas produk perusahaan ini tetap terjaga.
Dampak Positif :
- Penjualan meningkat hingga 20%
- Perusahaan semakin dikenal dan diingat oleh masyarakat
- Semakin banyak pelanggan yang loyal kepada perusahaan.
- Membantu perusahaan untuk mengiklankan produk tersebut dengan biaya yang lebih sedikit.
- Permintaan bertambah
Dampak Negatif :
- Kompetitor semakin menurunkan harga, beberapa pelanggan berpindah kepada kompetitor.
- Profit perusahaan berkurang
- Pelanggan menuntut lebih banyak terus menerus.
- Kualitas sedikit diragukan oleh pelanggan.
Penyelesaian :
- Tetap menjaga kualitas produk tetapi tidak menaikan harga, sehingga pelanggan tetap setia kepada perusahaan.
- Tidak menjual barang – barang yang berkualitas kurang baik atau yang sudah out of date. Sehingga pelanggan beranggapan bahwa perusahaan kita mementingkan kualitas dibandingkan harga
- Tidak Memberikan jangka waktu pada promosi tersebut
The Main Causes Of Women Trafficking In South East Asia
Women trafficking is a criminal phenomenon that violates basic human rights, in general totally destroying the victims' lives. It may cause the possibility of the victims suffered trauma in their lives. This should be followed up and solved explicitly by each State. However, apparently many women trafficking is still found in
The factor of economic conditions causes by every people requires a enough financial condition to be able to perpetuate his life. For example a high level of poverty, global economic crisis, it's hard to find a job, the average level of minimum income (UMR) which is different from one country to the other country. Global economic crisis that occurred in the
A high level of poverty caused by lack of skill and education, the factor of shiftlessness someone which is they wouldn’t want to try to develop the ability in himself, besides that it can also caused by someone who like to play gambling, they spend money only for pleasure, and the other factors is the physical limitations suffered by someone (such as physical disability or mental disability) and the past story of someone who can’t be accepted by others. It's hard to find a job can also be caused due to limited employment, the minimum level of education, lack of skill or special talent.
The last main causes of trafficking women in
Basically, the degree of women and men is the same. So the women must get the protection and treatment as well as the men obtained or even more than the men obtained. Thus, the number of women trafficking can be minimize in every countries especially in
Task Environmental Force/Factor & General Enviromental Force/Factor Between Coca-Cola and Pepsi Cola
Task Environmental Force/Factor
Company 1 : Coca - Cola
Coke’s commercials basically based on young generations. So, the young generation is the target market of Coke, because they want to represent Coke with the youth and energy but they also consider about the old people they take then as a co-target market.
Pepsi Cola.
Calories Carbohydrates (grams), Sodium (mg), Potassium (mg), Phosphorus (mg), Caffeine (mg), Saccharin (mg), Aspartame (mg), Acesulfame, Potassium (mg), Sucralose (mg).
- Media : media is in use by coca cola to promote their products using a number of ways, including through media advertisements on TV, print media such as teenage magazines, and billboards.
- Employee : of the two companies for the workers who actually worked as a subordinate, is part of the residents who live around the factory, the business is to supply people around the factory.
- Competitors : do main coca cola is pepsi cola, but there are other competitors such as AW RootBeer, Miranda. Rather have pepsi cola coca cola is the main competitor and the competitor with the other competitors coca cola.
Coca cola always follow the rules and regulation in
Pressure Groups
Coca cola got an extrnal pressure from its competitor which is Pepsi Cola and its show by the volume of sales. The fact is most of Indonesian people were like Pepsi Cola rather than Coca-Cola, because Pepsi is sweeter than Coca-Cola.
General Environmental Force/Factor
Company 1 : Coca Cola
Economic Conditions
Being the biggest company in the soft drink industry, Coca Cola enjoys the largest market share. This company controls about 59% of the world market.
Political/ Legal Conditions
The Coca Cola Company has complete and has complete the legal condition of the procedures from the government itself.
Socio Cultural
Coca Cola are a very diverse organisation in terms of the markets that we serve and the people we employ. Our employees come from many different races and cultures; we employ more than 47,500 people from 76 nationalities.
- Coca Cola has own 4 of the world's top 5 nonalcoholic sparkling beverage brands
- Associates : 92,400 worldwide
- Operational Reach : 200+ countries
Technological Conditions
Coca-Cola was being bottled, and with the aid of transportation networks, began to creep across the United States and to foreign countries. During World War II, Coca-Cola strengthened its image with the American public and doubled its presence in international markets. The company continued to grow through the use of new media and distribution technologies, achieving the international status that it has today.
Originally, the Coca-Cola bottle had a uniform radius, like other common beverages of the time. But upon studying how Coke was sold to the average consumer, the company found that when consumers reached into the ice chest to pull out a beverage, they had no way of differentiating between a Coke and a competing soft drink. The company soon realized that if they altered the shape of their bottle to the curved shape that still remains today, the consumers would know what they were grabbing as their hand was buried in ice. The new Coca-Cola bottle made it effectively easier to “grab a Coke”.
Task Environmental Force/Factor
Company II : Pepsi Cola
PepsiCo's target market can be people of all ages because of their wide range of products. But in Indonesia itself the main or the major customer of Pepsi Cola is for children. Because they like a sweet taste which is Pepsi has rather than Coca Cola.
Coca cola.
Calories Carbohydrates (grams), Sodium (mg), Potassium (mg), Phosphorus (mg), Caffeine (mg), Saccharin (mg), Aspartame (mg), Acesulfame, Potassium (mg), Sucralose (mg).
PT. Pepsi Cola Indobeverages, International Private Company
Jakarta, 12510 Indonesia 021- 7918 1888 , 021- 7918 2559 (fax)
Company Description: Manufacturing: Manufacture and distribution of soft drinks
- Media : media is in use by Pepsi Cola to promote their products using a number of ways, including through media advertisements on TV, print media such as teenage magazines, and billboards.
- Employee : of the two companies for the workers who actually worked as a subordinate, is part of the residents who live around the factory, the business is to supply people around the factory.
- Competitors : cocacola is the main competitor of Pepsi Cola.
New regulation, inflation, interest rate, influence customer spending and choice.
Pressure groups
Pressure from external factor, there was a case in India which sound, there was a condom inside a bottle of Pepsi Cola. After that accident, an external pressure of groups were spotted in this case.
General Environmental Force/Factor
Company II : Pepsi Cola
Economic Conditions
31.4% market share. Such as disposable income and discretionary income. Pepsi cola has addressed this side of the influence by maintaining a low price on the prices of its product.
Such as culture, subculture, socio-economic status, family and reference group influence customer behavior towards a product.
Pepsi Cola has reach 200 country in this world.
Technological condition
Firstly Pepsi Cola was sell with name called "Brad's drink" which is made from water, sugar, vanilla, pepsin and cola nut. And then changed the name to "Pepsi Cola" after pepsin and cola nut is used in the prescription. Pepsi Cola name registered on 16 June 1903. The packaging of Pepsi Cola also more update than the before, to keep survive in the market which is have a big competitor such as Coca – Cola.
Public Organizational Communication
Public organizational communication is the exchange of messages with large groups of people using face to face or medicated channels. The concern is not with such technological, media oriented public organizational communication activities as television, radio, film, telephone, videocassette and microfilm.
The qualities that differentiate public organizational communication from dyadic and small group organizational are the following :
1. Communication is source (speaker) oriented
Whereas in dyadic and small group organizational communication a reciprocal relation between c0mmunication source and receiver is involved.
2. Large groups of receivers are involved
A dyad is two people and a small group for most purpose no more than five to seven members.
3. There is less interaction between Speakers and listeners
The decrease in interaction is a direct function of the speaker-oriented nature and increase number of participants in public organizational communication.
4. Language is more general
Speakers must use language with general appeal because of the large size of the audience. Usually a speaker researches the character of an audience.
Contingencies that Affect Communication
Organizations must be able to sense a change in their environmental and to meet the change create and exchange messages internally among relevant departments and units and externally to important publics or they will not survive.
1. Economic Factors
Many managers view the economy as the most critical contingency affecting the organization. Rates of inflation and unemployment affect the size and shape of their labor force, the availability. And cost of capital needed for growth and expansion and ability to market their stocks and bonds to the investing public. Its various financial publics, stockholders, suppliers, customers, financial exchanges, brokerage houses ,security analysis can help an organization with traditional economic cycles.
Private sector profit making organizations have always viewed economic with respect, probably because its direct link to survival. for example, have typically gone through intermediary parties for major funding hospitals must now become more aware of potential the clients, the public and other hospitals.
2. Technological Factors
Organizations in
3. Legal Factors
Hundred of organizations are confronted with local, state, and federal laws and regulations, many of which have direct implications for their survival. Ten years ago the occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA),the Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA) the Employee Stock Ownership Plan (ES0P) and the equal employment Opportunity Commission (EE0C) were unknown, but today they affect millions of people and account for billions of company dollars spent to comply with regulations.
The most critical facet of consumer information processing is the product users uncertainty about the product. An individuals uncertainty about the product determines whether the consumer will purposely seek information about the product safe use as well as the 0bjective for processing product safety information.
4. Socio political cultural Factors
The Laws to which most organizations conform were brought about by social cultural and political pressures.
For example :The Equal employment opportunity Commission evolved after turbulent years of protest of inequalities.
Several organization today recognize social responsibility toward the community within which they interact. For example : IBM for years has supported two small schools in
Taiani in of the first major studies of how corporations identify their expected social behavior, the factors that influence social and the role of communication found strong support for the role of a boundary spanning agent . Among Taiani's c0nclusions were the following :
• 0rganizations identify the social or role behavior expected of them from their internal and external environments publics.
• 0rganizations are more likely to contribute to publics seeking their support if there is a great degree of perceived overlap or interface between the goals and objectives of the organizations and those of the public group seeking it's support.
• Organizations perceived the role of communication in this process to be establish a attitudes ,perceptions ,demands and expectations and to disseminate relevant and timely information the organization.
5. Environmental Factors
Organizations today must attend to the overall quality of life of their employees and their families and of the community. More and more attention is being given to problems of pollution of air and water and impact on the land as results of an organizations activities.
- Importance and Frequency of Public Communications in 0rganizations.
Good public relations has become extremely important to most businesses and industries today. since never before has big businesses been held in such low Esteem.
Image Making and Industrial Positioning
Image Making : Organization make use of public communications to create or redefine images about their services and products to create, reinforce and redefine their personal images.
Industrial Positioning : Is how a certain product or service is put in the mind of the prospective user. The basic approach to positioning is not to create something new and different, but to manipulate what’s already in the prospect’s mind. To retie the connection that already exists.
Types of Public Organizational Communication Activities
We know that public communication is a valued and frequently used activity by many organizations. In all of these activities, a speaker assumes primary responsibility for encoding and delivering a message to a large group of people.
We will now see how labor unions ,universities and business and industries use public organizational communication.
How Labor Unions Use Public Communication ?
Labor unions have a national membership of more than twenty million people and yet are probably the organization least studied by communication experts.
The Five major activities in which the active union member is most frequently involved :
1. Organizing includes
Those activities in which labor activist attempts to build the membership of the union. Most of the communicative interaction is of the interpersonal variety.
2. Bargaining
Also primarily an interpersonal task that involves meetings informal conversations and planned persuasive encounters. However, when a union makes its formal presentation to management.
3. Administering and policing the agreement
Involves the actual operation of the agreement under working conditions. union members must know and understand the terms of the agreement
4. Participating - in union meetings
Includes presenting reports, answering questions and listening to occasional speech. parliamentary procedure is usually enforced and attendance at such meetings is quite loam.
5. Representing the union before other groups
Probably calls for the greatest communication skill and ability. The union member must face a variety of audiences for a variety of purposes.
How universities use public communication
During most of academic year 1971-1972. The nation campuses were quite. Many spokesman for higher education claimed that campus unrest was a thing of the past.
It easy to see how important public attitude is to the future of American universities. It also easy to see how with massive press and television coverage, a person’s attitude can be formed after watching five minutes of demonstration without ever leaving the living room.
There is little difference between the plight of the university as it confronts its public and other organizations as they interact with the same public. Universities affected by negative attitudes resulting from campus unrest are similar to oil companies facing attack from angry environmentalists, to automobile manufacturers being chastised by misled consumers. And to the federal government suffering from post-Watergate lack of credibility. In all of these cases, the organizations are forced to interact with large groups of people to whom they are accountable.
When we use the social system model, we can see that it is important for university. As a system in need of balance to maintain close contact with its public that is the environment in which it exist.
To combat the inaction of several universities about setting up effective public relations programs and to help universities with existing program. I made the following recommendations after a one year study of communication channels between university and public. These recommendations are intended to supplement such mechanical communication activities as news and sport release, publications and bulletins. Some of them may be more relevant for publicly supported institution.
1. The university should schedule an annual ( or biannual ) retreat at a location other than the campus ( mountain or seashore resort, hotel, motel, ranch). The retreat should include members of the university faculty and administration, students and community leaders from around the state ( legislators, businessman, and opinion leaders and spouses).
2. The universities should establish a university speakers bureau to provide university staff, student and faculty speakers for any service, civic or educational group in the state/
3. Key student, faculty and administration leaders should form a university amigos team to conduct handshake tours around the state. A similar concept can be developed by alumni association and include :” friend of university”
4. Faculty student teams should visit high schools for the double purpose of recruiting future students and informing the high schools about current academic developments
5. The university should establish a parents committee for purpose of improving communication between the university and parents of student body. A newsletter for parents also should be considered.
6. The governor of the state should meet informally with members of the university faculty, student body and administration. The meetings can be held alternately and should involve different university personnel each time.
7. The state legislature should establish a legislature university communication committee whose sole purpose would be to conduct information exchange sessions with campus representatives. The committee should function much like the governor group described in item six.
8. The university should establish a legislators day on campus, inviting legislator to be the guest of the university. Functions can include campus tours orientation lectures, athletic events, social events and attendance at classes.
9. Members of university community should establish an active lobby to promote the best interest of the university during any hearings concerning legislation affecting the university.
10. The university placement office should attempt to improve relations between employees within the state and university graduates. A first step to reduce the possible exodus of university graduates from the state may be to schedule a job conference for such employers recruit student and student explain why they may want to leave the state.
11. The university should establish a research and development center to make certain services available to public, such as data banks and translation of complex research findings and to provide certain research service, in such areas as environment, leisure, government, business and criminal justice. The overall purpose of the center would be to make the university more relevant to the needs of the public.
12. The university should establish a method of surveying or polling the general community annually. Such a poll can be handled by survey researchers on campus and should monitor feedback.
In the final analysis, no matter how sophisticated a communication campaign the university develops. It should recognize that every student faculty number, administrator, janitor, secretary and staff member competed with the university is actually a separate channel of communication.
How business and public industries use public communication ?
Probably no kind of organization uses public communication more than business and industry. Industry knows it must communicate with the general public in order to markets its products. It knows that it must guard against restrictive legislation. Most large industries are so concerned about their public image that they maintain expensive public relations departments employing some of the nation’s foremost communication experts. The solution to each of these concerns involves the use of some form of public organizational communication, primarily externally directed. Here is how some organizations solved similar problems.
Stations must go to the community at large and to community leaders to gather the information, usually for them to develop a plan for service over the next three years. This forces broadcasters to interact with their public – typically through interviews, surveys, market analyses, fan mail, and informal contacts.
The chemical company must communicate (regularly with both federal and state government offices). The company also maintains regular communication with trade associations, professional societies, news media, academic communities, and consultants. This becomes a massive job and takes great skills, time, effort.
Another audience of vital importance to all publicly held businesses and industries is the financial community, particularly security analysts who recommended stock purchases to potential investors, usually large institutions. This audience is important, because if stock is under priced (selling at a low price – earnings ratio) a company would be at a disadvantage in acquiring another company; or an employee profit – sharing plan invested in the company’s stock could suffer. Most analysts were unfamiliar did not recommended its stock to investors.
5 major public speaking situations in which business and industrial personnel most frequently interact :
- Formal meetings
is usually the highly structured speaking engagement typical of dinners, banquets, and other ceremonies.
- Semiformal meetings
is the oral technical report. The oral technical report as directed toward a special audience, having limited scope as well as presentation time, and delivered extemporaneously with personal and clear language for instant understanding.
- Informal meetings
are casually held, rarely scheduled, but highly important to both management and employees.
- Conventions
- Goodwill or public relation activities
Measuring The Effectiveness Of Public Organizational Communication
- Increase or decrease of sales
- Public knowledge and awareness of your organization
- Public Reaction
- Public Acceptance
- Product Popularity